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Fasttrack Civics Project
Internet Support Site for Teachers and Students

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Free downloads!  See the links below to download and try sections from Fasttrack Civics with your students, as well as clear and concise PowerPoint presentations on the Documents of Liberty!


  Use with the book:
Civics Resources
Economics Resources
Review Questions
Teacher Key - all pages

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  Information & FAQs
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  About the Author

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Free: Documents of Liberty - PowerPoint Presentations
Click here for details and download them all!

Free: Download sections of this title to try with your students!
Click here for details and get started with Fasttrack Civics!

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Copyright 2006, 2024 by David Burns.  All rights reserved - details are here
Fasttrack Teaching Materials     6215 Lavell Ct.     Springfield, Virginia  22152
Phone:  703 644-4612
Email:  ftm.contact@verizon.net

Background image montage by Kevin Burns