Download & Ordering Information

Our goal is to make clear, concise, and engaging materials for the study of U.S. history widely available to teachers and students everywhere.

Thank you for all you do to teach America's story, and its values, to your students.

Start Mapping America's Past
46 pages + covers, including 20 maps;
8 1/2 x 11 inches.  Copyright 2024.   ISBN 1-893742-20-2

Individual teacher orders -
PDF file download:

An individual purchase includes permanent license / permission for the purchasing individual to photocopy the pages of this title for use with his or her own students.  The download, which includes all pages, is available through the TPT online educational materials publishing company.  

Click here to go to our Publishers Page on the
TPT web site, place your order, and download the PDF file for this title.


School orders - PDF file on flash drive: $95.00

School purchases include permanent school-wide site license / permission for all teachers at the school to photocopy pages of this title for use with students enrolled at the school.  The PDF file includes all pages, and will be sent on a flash drive.  Teachers at the purchasing school may copy the file onto their own classroom computer for convenience and use for as long as they are employed at the school.

Please send your school's purchase order to: Fasttrack Teaching Materials, 6215 Lavell CT, Springfield, VA  22152.


Fasttrack Teaching Materials
6215 Lavell Court
Springfield, VA  22152

Phone:  (703) 644 - 4612



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