Frequently Asked Questions
  Start Mapping America's Past


What is Start Mapping America's Past?

   Start Mapping America's Past is a collection of 20 partially completed U.S. history maps that students complete with color pencils as a fun and engaging way of learning about the geography that is a vital part of America's story.  Each map has, on its facing page, directions telling what should be added, and brief historical background about what the map is showing.

   Students use the completed color map images on this web site as their guide in finishing the map pages in the collection.  The home page for this title is:

   Students do want to learn about America's past, but - this is important - they want to be active participants in journey.  Completing these maps is one example of a Goldilocks "just right" activity that combines academic learning and enjoyable, active engagement.

   The workbook is 46 pages, plus covers.  Its pages should be photocopied, preserving the double page spread design, and given to students to place in a section in their notebook binders.  Get students started with just the opening pages and the first few maps, then copy and hand out the remaining pages as the class progresses through the school year.  Most school photocopy machines can
take PDF files directly, but if yours does not, simply print out the PDF file in full on a good quality computer printer, and use those pages to make photocopies.

   Please note:  These are the same maps found in our popular U.S. history learning guide Fasttrack to America's Past, although the directions pages are in a slightly different format.  If you are using that title, you will not need this one.

What grade levels is this good for?

   These map sets have been used widely by classes at both the middle school and the high school levels.  Middle school teachers will want to spend a little more time explaining and demonstrating how to do a good job completing the maps.  One nice fact is that coloring and drawing call up good feelings in students of any age, so most will be motivated to do their best.

I purchased a download for me to use this title in my classes.  Our other history teachers want to use it, too.  Can I give them a copy of the PDF file, or copies of the pages?

   No, an individual teacher PDF file download is just that . . . for an individual teacher to use the printed out pages with his or her own students.  Please respect the author's right to his work.  Let your colleagues know that they can easily order / download this resource in their own name to use the pages with their students.

   Alternately, your school can order a copy of the PDF file that carries school-wide permission / license that allows all the teachers at the school to use this title with their students.

   Please see the link on the home page for Ordering / Downloading.