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   Fasttrack to America's Past

     Section 4: The Growing Years 
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Section 4: The Growing Years       Practice Test 4B  

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1.  Which statement below is NOT true of the Industrial Revolution in the United States?

A. Water power was an important energy source in many early factories.
B. Textile (cloth) products were produced by many of the early factories.
C. Working conditions were often dangerous in many early factories.
D. It began and developed most rapidly in the Southern states.

2.  In the decades of the Industrial Revolution, federal and state governments generally followed a “laissez-faire” economic policy.  Which statement best describes that policy?

A. Many laws and regulations are needed to force businesses to operate fairly.
B. The government should leave businesses alone.
C. Trade with other countries should be restricted.
D. Trade with other countries should be expanded.

3.  Which of these is NOT one of the principles of the economic system of capitalism?

A. Business growth is encouraged by the desire for profits.
B. Competition between businesses helps create better products and lower prices.
C. People should be free to start and own their own businesses.
D. All businesses, farms, and mines should be owned by the government.

4.  Which is the best example of the "division of labor" that grew with the factory system during the Industrial Revolution?

A. A factory owner tries to avoid hiring labor union members.
B. A factory owner gives raises to those who work hardest at their job.
C. A clock is assembled by dozens of workers, each doing one small part of the job.
D. A clock worker is paid based on how many clocks he makes a day.

5.  What are the factories that grew up in the 1820s in Lowell, Massachusetts, best known for?

A. They developed the first large-scale shoe industry in the U.S.
B. They are famous for large-scale iron production.
C. They began employing young women in large numbers in textile factories.
D. They were the first to adopt a standard 8 hour work day.

6.  What would someone joining a “Utopian society” in the 1840s probably expect to find?

A. people who liked the ideas of socialism
B. people interested in getting ahead as business owners
C. people who were members of Congress
D. other members of the "Know-Nothings"

7.  What was the goal of people attending the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?

A.  They wanted to unite all the nation’s reform movements.
B.  They wanted to form a new nation called the Confederacy.
C.  They wanted to organize to fight slavery.
D.  They wanted women to gain better legal rights.

8.  What is Harriet Tubman best known for?

A. She was involved in the early factory reform effort.
B. She fought for better public schools.
C. She was a preacher in the Second Great Awakening.
D. She became famous as a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad.

9.  What reform movement is Dorothea Dix most famous for?

A. the free public schools movement 
B. the effort to create special hospitals for the mentally ill 
C. the effort to stop or restrict the sale of alcohol 
D. the labor union movement

10.  What did members of the secret organization called the “Know-Nothings” want to accomplish?

A. They wanted to stop or restrict the number of immigrants coming to the U.S.
B. They wanted to buy freedom for slaves, and resettle them in Africa.
C. They wanted to obtain land for Indians to settle in the West.
D. They wanted to promote the principles of nullification and states’ rights.

11.  The movement in the 1800s to stop or restrict the sale of alcohol was called:

A. the states’ rights movement
B. the Shaker movement
C. the socialist movement.
D. the temperance movement

12.  Southern states strongly objected to high tariffs set by Congress mainly because:

A. Tariffs made manufactured goods much more expensive.
B. Tariffs made slaves much more difficult to obtain.
C. Tariffs made cotton prices fall dramatically.
D. Tariffs made tobacco much more difficult to export.

13.  Which of these would someone in the abolition movement most likely support?

A. improving property rights and divorce laws for women
B. ending child labor in factories
C. passing state laws to stop the sale of alcohol
D. the Underground Railroad

14.  What was the basic compromise of the Missouri Compromise in 1820?

A. It said slavery should be left to a vote by the people of each new territory.
B. It said states west of the Mississippi could not permit slavery.
C. It said new states should join the U.S. two at a time, one slave and one free.
D. It ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C.

15.  The book by Harriet Beecher Stowe that inflamed passions in the North and the South over the issue of slavery in 1852 was titled:

A. Uncle Tom's Cabin
B. Life of a Slave Girl
C. How the Other Half Lives 
D. Up from Slavery

16.  Why did the Dred Scott Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court contribute to a growing split between the North and South?

A. It angered Southerners by restricting areas where slavery was permitted.
B. It angered Northerners by declaring slavery legal in any of the territories.
C. It angered Southerners by ending the slave trade in Washington, D.C.
D. It angered Northerners by declaring the Underground Railroad illegal.

17.  What did the Fugitive Slave Law do?

A. It said slaves that escaped were free as long as they stayed out of the South.
B. It said that run-away slaves could not be punished with death.
C. It required Northerners to help capture and return escaped slaves.
D. It said a slave who traveled even once to a free territory was a free man forever.

18. How widespread was ownership of slaves by Southern whites in the years just before the Civil War?

A. Almost all Southern whites owned slaves.
B. About three out of four Southern whites owned slaves.
C. About half of all Southern whites owned slaves.
D. Only about one out of four Southern whites owned any slaves at all.

19.  What did John Brown and Frederick Douglass have in common?

A. They were both African-Americans who escaped from slavery.
B. They both were whites active in the Underground Railroad movement.
C. They both were active and vocal opponents of the system of slavery.
D. They started an anti-slavery newspaper, The Liberator.

20.  What was the event that directly led South Carolina to secede from the United States in 1860?

A. the Dred Scott Decision of the Supreme Court
B. passage of the Fugitive Slave Law by Congress
C. the trial of John Brown
D. the election of Abraham Lincoln


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