Teachers: Free downloads of the sections you want!
   Fasttrack to America's Past

   Teachers can now download, at no charge, the individual sections of this title that you wish to use with your students.  Each section download is in PDF format, and contains all the pages in that section.  It also includes a cover page that includes a statement giving you permission to photocopy the pages for use by your students.

   If you will be using the complete set of pages in a section as a packet, be sure to include the cover page.  That will ensure that by photocopying double sided, you will keep the double page spread layout design.  Also, three hole punch the pages so the packet can be kept neatly in students' binders / notebooks. 

   The complete Teacher Key pages are posted on this web site.  Go to the home page, click on the links for a section, then look for the key symbol when the index page for that section opens.  There are also links to lots of interesting and engaging resources, such as historical photo sets and short videos.

   You can also order and download the complete workbook, including the front of the book pages, table of contents, etc., through our publisher's page on the TPT educational publishing company website.  Please click here for more information about that, and see the link for "Ordering / Downloading."

Free For Teachers Individual Sections for Downloading
Click on the links below to download the sections you want in PDF file format
Section 5:  Civil War and Reconstruction
1860 - 1877

Section 1:  Discovery and Exploration
1400 - 1600
Section 6:  The Gilded Age
1865 - 1900
Section 2:  Colonial America
1600 - 1775
Section 7:  Becoming a World Leader
1900 - 1950
Section 3:  Revolutionary Years
1775 - 1800

Section 8:  The Wonder Years
1950 - 2000
Section 4:  The Growing Years
1800 - 1860
Section 9:  The New Millennium
2000 - Present

Our goal is to make clear, concise, and engaging materials
 for the study of U.S. history widely available to
teachers and students everywhere.

Thank you for all you do to teach America's story,
and its values, to your students.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright 2015 by David Burns.  All rights reserved.  Illustrations and reading selections appearing in this work are taken from sources in the public domain and from private collections used by permission.  Sources include: the Dover Pictorial Archive, the Library of Congress, The National Archives, The Hart Publishing Co., Corel Corporation and its licensors, Nova Development Corporation and its licensors, and others.  Maps were created or adapted by the author using reference maps from the United States Geological Survey and Cartesia Software.  Please see the home page for this title for more information.