Review Quiz - World War I
Frameworks for America's Past
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Review Quiz for Unit 7 - World War I
Frameworks for America's Past

Directions: Take this short quiz on your own or with your class.
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1.  What is considered the “spark” that triggered the start of World War I?

a.  the Russian communist revolution.
b.  a dispute over the French border with Germany.
c.  the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
d.  German attacks on ships at sea.

2.  When did World War I begin and end?

a.  1898 - 1902
b.  1907 - 1911
c.  1914 - 1918
d.  1919 - 1922

Graphic Organizer

3.  Which of these would be the best title for the graphic above: 

a.  What Germany Wanted to Prevent
b.  Background Causes of World War I
c.  A Peace Plan for Europe
d.  Why the U.S. Entered the War

4.  Imperialism is a term that describes the policy or actions of a natio
n that

a.  gains control of weaker foreign lands.
b.  tries to avoid becoming involved in disputes.
c.  sends food to areas hit by a disaster.
d.  tries to keep peace.

5.  The alliances among countries in Europe when World War I began

a.  kept it a small war between two countries.
b.  spread the war quickly to many nations
c.  had no effect on the size of the war.
d.  led most countries to avoid being involved.

World_globe6.  Which of these nations was NOT one of the Central Powers?

a.  Germany
b.  Austria-Hungary
c.  Turkey
d.  Belgium

 7.  Great Britain, France, and Russia were all part of the

a.  Allied Powers.
b.  United Powers.
c.  Central Powers.
d.  Associated Powers.

8.  The U.S. policy of staying neutral when World War I began can also be called a policy of

a.  nationalism.
b.  involvement.
c.  isolationism.
d.  containment.

WWI soldiers9. Who was the president of the U.S. during World War I?

a.  Theodore Roosevelt
b.  Woodrow Wilson
c.  Howard Taft
d.  William McKinley

10.  Which of these was NOT one of the new weapons that made World War I so deadly?

a.  poison gas
b.  airplanes
c.  machine guns
d.  atomic bomb

11.  Public opinion in the U.S. shifted against Germany in 1915 because of Germany’s use of submarine warfare to sink a British passenger ship called

a.  the Lusitania.
b.  the Cutty Sark.
c.  the Argonaut.
d.  the Rotterdam.

12.  The Zimmerman Telegram was a German secret message that angered Americans because

a.  it threatened that the U.S. president would be assassinated.
b.  it showed Germany had spies in the U.S.
c.  it tried to get Mexico to declare war on the U.S.

13.  The U.S. had the closest economic, political, and cultural ties to which of these countries?

a.  Germany
b.  Great Britain
c.  Italy
d.  Austria-Hungary

 14.  In what year did the U.S. enter World War I?

a.  1900
b.  1914
c.  1917
d.  1920

Woodrow Wilson15.  President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points plan for peace at the end of World War I called for

a.  France to take over Germany.
b.  the creation of a League of Nations.
c.  more powerful armies in Europe.

16.  The U.S. did not join the League of Nations because

a.  the U.S. was never invited to join.
b.  the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles.
c.  the League was never formed.

17.  After World War I ended, the foreign policy of the U.S. is best described as

a.  a return to isolationism.
b.  pushing for more leadership in world affairs.

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Copyright 2010, 2019 by David Burns
All Rights Reserved

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   Copyright 2019 by David Burns.  All rights reserved.  As a guide to the Virginia Standards of Learning, some pages necessarily include phrases or sentences from that document, which is available online from the Virginia Department of Education.  The author's copyright extends to the original text and graphics, unique design and layout, and related material.
