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   Fasttrack to America's Past

     Section 7: Becoming a World Leader 
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 Section 7: Becoming a World Leader      Practice Test 7A   

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1.  Which statement below best expresses the main goal of people identified with the Progressive Movement in the early 1900s?

A. Alcohol must be abolished once and for all.
B. The government must do more to improve life for working class Americans.
C. Promoting the growth of big business is good business for America.
D. It is time for America to do something about racial inequality.

2.  "Muckrakers" were

A. people who helped dig the Panama Canal.
B. reporters who exposed social problems like child labor.
C. politicians who took bribes from businesses.
D. very poor people who cleaned city streets.

3.  Which of these statements would Theodore Roosevelt NOT agree with, based on what he said and did as a political leader and president?

A. "Businesses need to give the working man and working women a fair deal."
B. "America needs the Panama Canal, so let's do what it takes to get it built!"
C. "Monopolies are a natural part of business - leave them alone."
D. "The natural environment needs to be conserved for future generations."

4.  All of these are true statements about the early 1900s EXCEPT:

A. Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the airplane.
B. Amelia Earhart became famous as a female airplane pilot.
C. The famous book The Jungle described the building of the Panama Canal.
D. The NAACP was formed as an organization to help African Americans.

5.  In the 1912 presidential election, what did the Progressive Party and its candidate Theodore Roosevelt say was the main threat to America's democratic political system?

A. the combination of corrupt business leaders and corrupt politicians
B. the influence of countries in Europe on American politics
C. the growing political power of the president
D. the growing power of labor unions in elections

6.  The federal income tax is called a progressive tax because

A. the tax is paid by most working Americans.
B. the money is used to pay for government programs.
C. the tax rate rises as one’s income rises.
D. it is a tax on individuals rather than on businesses.

7.  What is the main responsibility of the Federal Reserve System?

A. to keep a strong Army Reserve ready in case of war
B. to maintain a stable money supply and regulate bank interest rates
C. to keep income tax records and set tax rates
D. to take action against corporations that become monopolies

8.  Which of these describes Henry Ford’s ideas about factory workers, based on policies he put into effect at the Ford Motor Company in 1914?

A. He viewed workers almost as machines, to be obtained at a price as low as possible.
B. He said Ford would pay workers what other competing companies paid, and no more.
C. He said workers should be seen as a kind of “partner” in business, and paid well.
D. He said workers should play a big role in running industrial companies like Ford.

9.  Which of these is NOT a true statement about World War One?

A. The conflict was triggered by the assassination of an Austrian archduke.
B. Germany and some other nations were militaristic and eager to expand their territory.
C. Secret alliances among many European nations caused the war to spread quickly.
D. The Western Front ran along the border between Spain and France.

10. What were the years of World War One in Europe?

A. 1901 - 1907
B. 1909 - 1912
C. 1914 - 1918
D. 1917 - 1922

11.  Many Americans had an attitude called "isolationism” as World War One began in Europe.  Which of these statements best describes the attitude of "isolationism"?

A. “America should take a stand and get involved in world affairs!"
B. “America should stay out of European troubles!"
C. “America should speak softly and carry a big stick!”
D. “America should increase world trade to benefit all countries!”

12.  Which of these countries or empires was NOT one of the Central Powers in World War One?

A. Russia
B. Germany
C. Austria-Hungary
D. the Ottoman Empire

13.  After World War One, President Woodrow Wilson suggested the formation of a "League of Nations" to help prevent future wars.  What happened to his proposal?

A. The League was formed, and America became the main leader in it.
B. The League was formed, and America joined it along with most other nations.
C. The League was formed and many nations joined, but America did not join it.
D. The League was never formed at all.

14.  Russia became a communist society in a 1917 revolution.  Which of these statements describes the basic beliefs of communism?

A. The government should own and control all industries, mines, and farms.
B. The free market system is the best economic system for an industrial nation.
C. Competition between businesses leads to better products and lower prices.
D. The capitalist system offers the best opportunities for workers to advance.

15.  The period called Prohibition was

A. the time before 1920 when women were denied the right to vote in most states.
B. the period when America stayed out of World War One.
C. the period from 1920 to 1933 when alcohol was illegal in the U.S.
D. the period when stock prices were rising rapidly in the U.S.

16.  What was the Great Migration?

A. the large number of Americans visiting Europe in the 1920s 
B. the movement of many Americans to California to seek jobs
C. the trend of wealthy people moving from large cities to the suburbs
D. the movement of many African-Americans from the South to cities in the North.

17.  Which statement summarizes the main issue in the Scopes Trial in the 1920s?

A. Can a state government order teachers not to teach the theory of evolution?
B. Can women be restricted from certain jobs that are dangerous?
C. Can the federal government pass laws to help labor unions?
D. Can government at any level pass laws against trusts?

18.  The most famous and disastrous stock market crash of the 20th Century occurred in 

A. 1921.
B. 1924.
C. 1926.
D. 1929.

19.  Which of these historical name match-ups is NOT correct?

A. Charles Lindbergh - famous solo flight across the Atlantic
B. Babe Ruth - famous baseball player
C. Mother Jones - famous gangster in Chicago
D. Duke Ellington - famous jazz musician

20.  High tariff laws passed by the U.S. Congress are often blamed as a major cause of economic problems that appeared in the 1920s.  Which of these was a direct result of high tariff policies?

A. Labor unions demanded higher wages.
B. Trade between America and other countries was reduced.
C. Stock prices of large corporations rose.
D. More money became available for investment.

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