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   Fasttrack to America's Past

     Section 2: Colonial America
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Section 2: Colonial America          Practice Test 2A  

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1. Which statement about the settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, is NOT true?

A. Jamestown was first settled in 1607.
B. Tobacco was the product that made the colony successful.
C. The Jamestown settlers came to Virginia mainly for religious reasons.
D. Captain John Smith was an important early leader who helped the colony survive.

2.  Which statement describes the House of Burgesses in colonial Virginia? 

A. It was an elected colonial assembly with some law-making power.
B. It was the first home built by Englishmen in America.
C. It was the name of the largest ship that was part of the expedition.
D. It was the military guard or force that represented England in the colonies.

3.  Which of these statements about the settlement at Plymouth, Massachusetts, is NOT true?

A. The Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth in 1620.
B. The Pilgrims came to America mainly seeking a place to practice their religion.
C. The Mayflower Compact was a trade agreement between the settlers and the Indians.
D. Squanto was an Indian who helped the early settlers survive at Plymouth.

4.  The Pilgrims developed a plan to hold their land in common, share the labor, and share the harvest equally among the entire group.  What happened to this “communal” plan?

A. It worked well, and lasted for many decades in the Plymouth area settlements.
B. It was tried, but caused many complaints, and was abandoned within a few years.

5.  On the idea of religious freedom and tolerance, the Puritan communities in early Massachusetts generally:

A. favored freedom of religion for anyone who came to their settlements.
B. had little or no tolerance for people with different beliefs.

6.  Which of the statements below is NOT a true statement about slavery in the colonies? 

A. It spread into Virginia mainly because labor was needed to grow tobacco. 
B. It became a large source of trade and wealth in colonial times.
C. Africans themselves played a role by kidnaping and selling other Africans to European slave traders. 
D. Slavery existed only in the Southern colonies in the colonial era.

7.  What was an indentured servant? 

A. someone who traded years of labor in return for passage to the colonies. 
B. a person who worked for daily wages on a colonial farm.
C. a colonist convicted of a crime who was sentenced to life-long labor in the colonies.
D. a captured Indian pressed into a sort of slavery for the colonists.

8.  What does it mean to say that Pennsylvania was an “open society”? 

A. The colony had a special type of charter from the king of England.
B. The colony had good relations with the Indians.
C. Leaders of the colony welcomed people of different views and beliefs to live there. 
D. The colony had a large river with an opening to the ocean.

9.  The “town meeting” form of local government is most closely associated with which of these colonies or areas?

A. the New England colonies
B. New York
C. Pennsylvania
D. Virginia

10.  In which colony did the spread of slavery lead to a population with more Africans than Europeans around 1750? 

A. Massachusetts 
B. New York
C. Virginia
D. South Carolina

Use this map to answer the questions below.


11.  What mountain range is shown with the letter J?

A. Rocky Mountains
B. Sierra Nevada
C. Appalachian Mountains
D. Ural Mountain Range

12.  Which letter shows the location of the colony of Virginia?

A. letter L
B. letter N
C. letter O
D. letter S

13.  Which letter shows the location of Boston?

A. letter X
B. letter V
C. letter S
D. letter M

14.  Which letter shows the location of the colony started by William Penn?

A. letter O
B. letter S
C. letter W
D. letter X

15.  Which letter shows the location of the Mississippi River?

A. letter H
B. letter I
C. letter Z
D. letter W

16.  Which letter shows the location of New York City?

A. letter X
B. letter V
C. letter T
D. letter M

17.  Which letter shows the location of Quebec?

A. letter M
B. letter T
C. letter S
D. letter Z

18.  Which letter shows the location of the Chesapeake Bay?

A. letter Y
B. letter V
C. letter R
D. letter P

19.  Which letter shows the location of the Ohio River?

A. letter H
B. letter I
C. letter O
D. letter W

20.  What country had the strongest claim and the most settlements in the area of the map containing the letters H, T, and I in 1754?

A. Portugal 
B. Spain 
C. France 
D. Holland


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Copyright 2001, 2016 by David Burns
