PowerPoint presentations - free downloads
 Fasttrack Civics

Get the big picture across with the step-by-step
clarity of these PowerPoint presentations!

   To help Civics teachers everywhere in their vital work, we have posted below PowerPoint presentations on several key topics.  Teachers and students are welcome to download and use them, free of charge, for noncommercial, educational use.  We ask that:
  • You make no changes or additions of any kind.
  • You leave the copyright and source information visible.
   You are welcome to put a link to this page from your personal or school web site.  Please see the copyright notice at the bottom of this page.

Directions for downloading the PowerPoint files

   Click on the links below one at a time to download those you want to your computer.  Depending on what browser you use, the PDF file may download immediately, or you may need to take an additional step to complete the download.  Once the download is saved on your computer, you can double click on the file to open it in PowerPoint.

hen opening the PowerPoint files, a dialog box may appear asking for a password.  If it does, click on the button on the dialog box for "Read Only."  The files are password protected against changes, but you do not need the password to download or show the presentations in your classroom. 
Fundamental Principles and Documents:

  The First Democracies  2 MB 

  The Magna Carta: A foundation for liberty  5 MB 

  Jamestown and the Charters of the Virginia Company of London  6 MB 

George Mason and the Virginia Declaration of Rights  5 MB

  The Declaration of Independence 
8 MB

  The Articles of Confederation

  The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom 
4 MB 

  The U.S. Constitution: An introduction 
10 MB 

  Founding Documents - Quick Review 
5 MB 

Economic Decisions and the Marketplace

  How are prices determined? 
531 KB

Patrick Henry reminds you: Pass it on!

   How beautiful it is to see the foundation of liberty that we laid all those years ago is still standing strong! 
If you use and appreciate these presentations, please tell your colleagues about this site.  If you have purchased Fasttrack Civics, thank you!  Your support helps keep these resources on the Internet for teachers and students everywhere.  And yes, I am smiling.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright 2014, 2022 by David Burns.  The PowerPoint presentations linked from this page may be downloaded by teachers and students for non-commercial educational use in their own classes, provided:

  • You make no changes or additions of any kind.
  • You leave the copyright and source information visible.
   You may not post these PowerPoint presentations in any form on any other web site, server, or service of any kind.  You may provide a link from your personal, class, or school web site to this site.